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Privacy policy

Last Updated: April 27, 2023

The “Privacy Policy” outlined below pertains to the use of (referred to as the “Site”), as well as its affiliates, subsidiaries, parent company, and related companies. The Policy explains how we gather, process, and disclose the information collected from you when using our services. These services include the Site and any other related offerings (referred to collectively as the “Services”).

We reserve the right to modify this Policy at any time at our discretion, and in case of any updates, we will post a notification on the Site. You should read any posted notices carefully, as we may also add additional privacy statements for specific Services. By providing your personal information through our Services, you expressly agree to transfer your personal data to our servers in the U.S. for the purpose of collecting, using, and disclosing your personal data in accordance with this Policy. Throughout this Policy, references to “you,” “your,” and “User” refer to individuals who use the Site and/or Services.

We consider your privacy and the security of your personal data to be of the utmost importance, and thus we seek to transparently explain why and how we gather, store, share, and use your personal data. We also outline the controls and choices you have in choosing when and how to share your personal data.


This Policy is applicable to all Users of our Services, but please note that our Services are not intended for use by individuals under the age of 21. Additionally, we may include links to third-party websites or applications within our Services, but we are not responsible for their content or privacy compliance.


When you use our Services, you are giving your consent to our Terms of Service and this Policy. You may provide us with additional information by filling out forms on the Site or by communicating with us through various channels, such as phone, text, email, live chat, or social media. When you correspond with us via email, we may collect the following information:

  • Name;
  • Contact information, such as your address, email address, and phone number;
  • Birth date;
  • Gender;
  • Device information, including your device’s IP address, location, provider, and other identifying information;
  • Demographic information, such as your location; and
  • Any other information you provide us.

We also automatically collect information about how you use our Services, such as pages you have viewed, and certain technical information about your device, including your browser type, language, and version, your operating system and application version, device types, device model and manufacturer, device identifiers, and your device operating system type and version.


We utilize tracking technologies such as cookies, web beacons, and URL information to collect data on the date and time of your visit, your search activity, and the content you viewed. Cookies are small files sent by websites to your computer’s hard drive while browsing. We may employ session cookies, which expire when you close your browser, and persistent cookies, which remain on your computer until you delete them, to provide a more personalized and interactive experience on our site. We also use cookies for data analytics. Resetting your browser’s cookie settings is an option, but please note that this could affect the functionality of our site.

Web beacons are digital images used to record information on our website or emails. We use them to manage cookies, track visits, and analyze marketing effectiveness. Our partners, including analytics service providers and advertisers, may collect personally identifiable information on your online activity over time and across different sites. We may receive data from these parties to provide you with our services. We will use this information if you have given consent or if it serves a legitimate interest. Third-party analytics services may use cookies and web beacons to collect information on your use of our site and mobile services.

We use your information to identify you as a user, personalize and improve our services, communicate with you, develop new products, customize your advertising experience, fulfill requests and transactions, inform you of new products or services, send newsletters and promotional materials, protect against fraudulent activity, protect our rights and the rights of others, and for any other purpose outlined in this policy. We may use your geographic location data to personalize our services and determine whether the information you request is available in your location. Aggregated or de-identified information may be used for any business purpose.


We may share your information in the following ways:

  • With your consent or direction: We may share your personal information if you give us your consent or direction to do so.
  • With service providers: We may share your information with third parties and affiliates who perform services on our behalf.
  • To fulfill requests: We may share your information with third-party service providers who help us fulfill your requests, such as product orders and reservations.
  • To comply with the law: We may disclose your information if we believe we are required to do so by law or to comply with a court order, subpoena, or warrant.
  • To protect our rights and safety: We may disclose your information if we believe it’s necessary to prevent liability, fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful uses, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of Company and our Services or others.
  • In a business deal: If Company is involved in a business deal, such as a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, we may transfer or assign your information as part of or in connection with the transaction.
  • As a business asset: In the event of insolvency, bankruptcy, or receivership, information may be transferred as a business asset.
  • With third parties: We may share aggregated and anonymized data with partners, advertisers, and other third parties.
Data Security and Transfer

We take reasonable measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, loss, or misuse. However, no company can completely prevent security risks, and while we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. To help keep your information secure, we suggest selecting a unique password for our services and not using a password that you use for other websites or online services.

We may use your personal information for direct marketing purposes, but you have the right to object to this use at any time.

Data Retention

We retain your personal information for as long as we need it to provide the services you have requested or to fulfill transactions, as well as for other essential purposes, such as complying with legal obligations, maintaining business and financial records, resolving disputes, detecting and preventing fraud and abuse, and enforcing agreements.

Information Options

If you choose to opt-out of receiving promotional/marketing emails, we may still send you non-promotional emails related to our ongoing business relationship. You can email us at to request changes to your contact preferences or changes to or deletion of your information or content you posted. Please note that deleting your personal information or content does not guarantee the complete or comprehensive removal of the content or information posted on the Services.

Most web browsers accept cookies by default. However, you can usually choose to set your browser to remove cookies or reject cookies from our site or third parties. If you choose to reject cookies, this may affect certain features or services of our site. You can also opt-out of some third-party advertising partners’ use of cookies to deliver personalized ads based on your profile and preferences. However, while we and others give you choices, web browser signals and other mechanisms can indicate your choice to disable tracking, and our site may not be aware of or honor every mechanism.

If you decline to share certain data with us, we may not be able to provide you with some of the features and functionality of the site or service. You may have the right to know what personal information we have about you and to correct any inaccuracies. Please email us at or use one of the other means listed below to make such requests.


We may update our Privacy Policy periodically, and we will indicate the date of the last update above. You are responsible for reviewing the Policy periodically to stay up-to-date with any changes. If you continue to use the Site or Services after we post updates, it will indicate your acceptance of the changes and agreement to abide by the modified terms and conditions.

Dispute Resolution

This Arbitration Agreement is governed by the Federal Arbitration Act. JAMS will conduct arbitration in accordance with its rules and the terms of this Agreement. Claims and counterclaims under $250,000 (excluding attorneys’ fees and interest) will be subject to JAMS’s Streamlined Arbitration Rules and procedures available at All other claims will be subject to JAMS’s Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures available at If JAMS is unavailable, an alternative arbitral forum will be selected. Arbitration may be conducted by phone, video conference, written submissions, or in-person, as agreed upon by the parties. You and the Company agree to waive your right to a jury or judge trial and instead resolve disputes through arbitration. There is no judge or jury in arbitration, and court review of an arbitration award is limited. You and the Company also agree to waive your right to resolve claims on a class, collective, or representative basis. Claims of more than one customer or user cannot be combined. If the waiver of class or consolidated actions is deemed unenforceable, then such claims will be resolved in court as stated in Section 7.”

We aim to resolve disputes amicably and efficiently. If you have concerns, please email customer support at If we are unable to reach a resolution, a party intending to seek arbitration must first send a written Notice of Dispute (“Notice”) to the other party via certified mail. Please send the Notice to the address specified in Section 8 below.

All aspects of the arbitration proceedings, including any ruling, decision, or award by the arbitrator, will be strictly confidential for the benefit of all parties.

If we make any changes to this arbitration agreement, except for changes to the Notice Address, while you are a user of the Service, you may reject the changes by sending written notice to us at the Notice Address provided in Section 8 below within thirty (30) calendar days of the change. By rejecting any future changes, you agree to arbitrate any dispute between us in accordance with the terms of this arbitration agreement as of the date you first accepted this Policy (or accepted any subsequent changes to this Policy).

Please note that we only collect personal information on a voluntary basis. This Policy applies only to this Site and not to any other website linked to this website.

If you have any questions or comments about this Policy, your information, our third-party disclosure practices, or your consent choices, please contact us at